Friday, May 11, 2007

Virus in My PC..

My computer has been infected by unknown virus for several days. I've installed the Windows XP for over 10 Times!! And the virus is still there. I've tried so many anti virus software, and this one seems to be working. It's called Antivir, and it is FREE.

So here's how the virus behaves. It lets you install Win XP (As many times as you wish), and it even lets you boot up your computer until....the computer connects to the Internet. Nightmare begins! It opens up the IE browser, and direct you to some Youtube-like site in China. Installs KKTONE or something without asking nobody. The IE browser keeps popping up. And then......the computer crashes!

Here's the list of the virus. ><

Ok, it's almost 6am, I still got 2 hrs to sleep. Ciao!

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