Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Back from holiday. Watched a good movie called "Freedom Writers." It is about a high school teacher in Long Beach who taught in a class full of students who were sort of ignored by everyone. They were considered violent, and dangerous to the society. Anyway, this new teacher found a way to change the way these students are, and the way people look at them. Quite inspiring. The students and the teacher had published this book in 1999.

I am really terrible at describing things. When I was watching the movie, I had so much thoughts in my head. But when I started to write it down, it is so different. I should practice my describing skills more often.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I almost forgot that I have a blog to be updated! I was surprised to know that I have a couple of comments. This is amazing~ I thought I was just writing to myself. ^^

Something is wrong with my bike again. I can't ride my bike now due to high temperature raising from the engine. I've already spent lots of $$, switched 3 bike shops. I found another one from the Internet who is specialized to repair such bike. Left a msg on his web community, and was going to call him to make an appointment. But it's been raining everyday since last week, and the weather forecast says that it will continue to rain until Dragon Boat Festival (端午節). I guess I would just have to wait for 1 more week.

I had a job interview this afternoon for a position of an automobile company. Actually, I had a paper test last week first. and this is my 2nd visit to this company.

It started with a case study about a project. Company A will be replacing
their company cars this year, and I had to make a proposal to my manager about how we can win this project. Each department in Company A has its own preference. I simply selected different classes of cars to fit
each department's preference because I was not prepared for such question.

I thought I was interviewed for a logistics planning position, but the case study was more finance related (though I majored in finance as well). I had 1 hr to read the case,
do some analysis, prepare hand written posters for the presentation. yeah, it was stressful. I think I blew it. didn't do well on the presentation, neither was the interview. Better start looking for more job opportunities.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Fergie - Big Girl Don't Cry

A very nice & different song from Fergie (Black Eyed Peas). But I have no idea why the publisher name himself AvrilLavigneSucks. I like both singers anyway.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Virus in My PC..

My computer has been infected by unknown virus for several days. I've installed the Windows XP for over 10 Times!! And the virus is still there. I've tried so many anti virus software, and this one seems to be working. It's called Antivir, and it is FREE.

So here's how the virus behaves. It lets you install Win XP (As many times as you wish), and it even lets you boot up your computer until....the computer connects to the Internet. Nightmare begins! It opens up the IE browser, and direct you to some Youtube-like site in China. Installs KKTONE or something without asking nobody. The IE browser keeps popping up. And then......the computer crashes!

Here's the list of the virus. ><

Ok, it's almost 6am, I still got 2 hrs to sleep. Ciao!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Lost Photo Found!

As I was browsing thru my old files, I found a photo that I had been looking for quite some time. This was taken in Northern California 2 or 3 years ago. I was waiting for someone or something, and in my car I took this picture. I don't know what you guys think of it, but I like it a lot. I miss my car, but it had probably been turned into scrap. Yes, I junked it. ><....

Monday, May 7, 2007

Dancing Dragon in Dan Shui

Today I rode my bike to Dan Shui (淡水) with a friend. We left Taipei around 4PM, and arrived home at 11PM. I took some pictures and videos. We walked the Dan Shui Old Street (淡水老街) looking for some food. We saw people gathering around to see the Dancing Dragon show and we joined the crowd. I haven't seen these shows for quite some time, and it was enjoyable. We stayed for 10 or 15 minutes.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Pictures of the Bike!

Here it is! My Bike!! I couldn't wait till the the weekend to take these pictures, and I am already thinking about take a ride somewhere this weekend. I hope it won't rain during the weekend, but the weather forecast says that it is going to rain the whole weekend. Damn it!